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Cancer Treatment Using Nanotechnology
Cancer can be loosely defined as uncontrolled growth and division of cells in the body. Almost all cells in our body come with a pre-programmed life cycle. When a cell becomes cancerous, it ignores all the failsafe mechanisms in place and proceeds to grow/divide at an abnormal rate. Since virtually any cell can become cancerous, cancer is classified based on the cell type where cancer originates. For example, sarcoma is a cancer of tissues like fat and muscle. The cancer cells eventually become a clump known as tumor tissue. Tumors can be benign, where they stay localized in an area and do not spread. It is the malignant tumors that contribute to the lethality of cancer, as they spread to other parts of the body and proliferate the tumors.
The malignant tumor tissue can (and often does) migrate to different parts of the body. Upon reaching a particular body part, it can induce tumor formation in that region of the body as well, thus spreading cancer in the body. This phenomenon of tumors traveling across the body is known as metastasis. Since it is a disorder that spreads on the cellular level, cancer treatment using nanotechnology has come to the fore as a viable treatment option.
In the recent years, cancer treatment in Chennai has also seen a rise in importance, with many institutions dedicated to resolving the disorder. NanoLife is one among the organizations that has a cancer centre in Chennai, to research a permanent cure for cancer.
The following table (National Cancer Institute ) gives the estimated numbers of new cases and deaths for each common cancer type:
Cancer Type | Estimated New Cases | Estimated Deaths |
Bladder | 76,960 | 16,390 |
Breast (Female -- Male) | 246,660 -- 2,600 | 40,450 -- 440 |
Colorectal Cancer | 134,490 | 49,190 |
Endometrial | 60,050 | 10,470 |
Kidney (Renal Cell and Renal Pelvis) Cancer | 62,700 | 14,240 |
Leukemia (All Types) | 60,140 | 24,400 |
Lung (Including Bronchus) | 224,390 | 158,080 |
Melanoma | 76,380 | 10,130 |
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma | 72,580 | 20,150 |
Pancreatic | 53,070 | 41,780 |
Prostate | 180,890 | 26,120 |
Thyroid | 64,300 | 1,980 |
The three most common cancers in men, women, and children are as follows:
Men: Prostate, lung, and colorectal
Women: Breast, lung, and colorectal
Children: Leukemia, brain tumors, and lymphoma
What causes Cancer?
Inherited genetic defects: BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations & environmental factors (for example, air pollution)
Poor lifestyle choices: Tobacco or cigarette smoke (contains at least 66 known potential carcinogenic chemicals and toxins), and high alcohol consumption can also damage DNA, leading to cancer.
Chemical or toxic compound exposures: Benzene, asbestos, nickel, cadmium, vinyl chloride, benzidine, N-nitrosamines, asbestos, and aflatoxin exposure significantly increase the risk of cancer.
Harmful radiation: The unit that measures how much radiation our body absorbs, is known as a sievert (Sv).We are under constant exposure to radiation of different sorts (around 2-3 millisieverts a year). Harmful radiation is ionizing in nature (gamma rays, X-rays), meaning it has the potential to change the molecular structure of our DNA and vital proteins, ending up in cancer. Radiation exposure of just 1 sievert over a cumulative time period is enough to significantly increase your risk of cancer.
Pathogens: A few bacteria and viruses are capable of inducing cancer in the body upon infection. Viruses do this by hijacking the host cell’s DNA and forcing it to divide uncontrollably, such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
What causes Cancer?
Common signs and symptoms:
- Erratic change in bowel or bladder movements
- Unusual bleeding or discharge (for example, nipple secretions or a "sore" that will not heal that oozes pus/plasma)
- Abnormal growths and lump formation in tissues.
- A visible change in the shape or discoloration of warts.
- Nagging cough or hoarseness
- Abnormal loss of weight or loss of appetite
- Persistent fatigue, nausea
- Unexplained low-grade fevers
The symptoms and signs vary greatly based on the type of cancer, the point of origin and/or what stage the cancer is currently at.
For example, a lump in the breast or nipple discharge can be attributed to breast cancer, while metastatic breast cancer may present itself with symptoms of pain (if spread to bones), extreme fatigue (lungs), or seizures (brain).
Cancer Diagnosis
The methods employed to diagnose cancer again depend on the type of cancer.
There is a range of common tests employed to aid in the diagnosis, however. Doctors may use one, or multiple of these techniques to diagnose the possibility of cancer.
Physical test: If cancer is suspected in an area that is easily accessible, then the doctor will try and examine the area for any lumps or tumor structures. Other telltale signs include discolouration and abnormal enlargement of the associated areas.
-When cancer has developed beyond certain stages, a biopsy may be required to examine the affected tissue for analysis and detection of tumors. A biopsy is a test where living tissue is extracted from a subject to analyze disease better.
General Cancer Treatment
The factors that decide the mode of treatment for cancer depend on the type of cancer, how far it has developed, and how the patient will react to it.
Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs that target cancer cells and kill them. Chemotherapy is a process that takes place over a period of time, and it comes with a fair share of potential side effects, like:
Side Effects
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Hair loss
- Infections
- Constipation
- Anemia (low RBC count)
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Radiation therapy: This method involves killing the cells using high-energy radiation beams. Usually, X-Rays are employed for this method.
Bone marrow transplant: Bone marrow is the tissue present on the inside of your bones, and it is known to be a source of stem cells and is also where your blood cells form. Stem cells are special cells that can differentiate to form other types of cells. Using stem cells to treat cancer is a new and developing technique that has the potential to be a definitive remedy to cancer.
Immunotherapy: Sometimes the best way to combat the problem at hand is to look within. This is the principle behind immunotherapy, which involves boosting the body’s natural defenses to deal with cancer. By virtue of exposing your immune system to cancer cells in a controlled fashion, it triggers a stronger immune response, and also “educates” your WBC’s to target and destroy cancer cells. Skin cancer is commonly treated through this method.
Hormone therapy: Hormones are biochemical compounds that regulate specific integral pathways in the body. This includes cell proliferation to some degree. By careful regulation and monitoring of hormones, we can successfully cure some forms of cancer, such as prostate cancer, which is very common among males.
Targeted drug therapy: This is the surgical strike of cancer therapy methods. It employs drugs that are engineered to target specific enzymes and compounds within cancer cells to induce their destruction. It works only with specific types of cancer, however.
Cancer treatment using nanotechnology mostly involves using nanomedicine to infiltrate cancer cells and triggering their destruction.
The Nanolife Solution
ARBUDARI is the medicine offered by NANOLIFE for cancer treatment. A product of NanoLife’s Cancer Center In Chennai, it is a viable option for cancer treatment using nanotechnology.
Why Nanolife Arbudari?
Reduced Side Effects
- No weight loss
- No hair loss
- No bruises and bleeding
- No side effects
- Non-toxic
About Arbudari
Adjuvant Therapy for Solid Tumour
Swarna Bhasma (Nano Liquid) is the key ingredient in NANOLIFE ARBUDARI.
Swarna Bhasma (Nano Liquid) binds to the cell membrane within 30 minutes and gets subsequently internalized in the cells within 60 minutes of incubation time.
NANOLIFE - ARBUDARI helps boost immunity, and helps in fighting disease. Conjugating phytochemicals to gold nanoparticles enhances its bio-availability.
Swarna Bhasma (Nano liquid) provides synergistic benefits for the sustained release of phytochemicals with concomitant synergistic antitumor/anti-angiogenesis actions of gold nanoparticles.
Treating cancer patients with Swarna Bhasma (Nano liquid) will also enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
Therefore, Swarna Bhasma (Nano liquid) is also an effective adjuvant therapeutic agent for the overall treatment of cancer.
Patients Treated
Different Treatments
Years of Research
FAQ’S Cancer
Deciding on a treatment plan
Where will treatment be done?
As NanOlife’s speciality centre offers only palliative care, the medications can be taken at the comfort of your home.
What are the chances that cancer will reoccur after this treatment?
After three months of rigorous treatment, it is advised to take prophylactic treatment for another 9-10 months, further medicine to be continued or not can be decided on your health condition at the end of duration
How long will treatment last?
Our Doctor/health expert after detailed consultation will be in better position to decide on the duration of medicine to be taken, In general, the course is divided into 2 phases
- First phase will be for 3 months
- Second phase will be from 3rd month onwards until desired results are obtained
Any risk and side effects of the treatment?
NanOlife’s customised cancer therapy is a combination of gold Nano particles blended with potent herbs which targets only cancer cells, hence the risk of side effects is very less or nil.
How will treatment affect my daily activities?
As the medicines are to be taken orally, it won’t affect your daily activities.
Will I be able to work during treatment?
You can continue your normal routine, if you have any symptom or weakness consult your doctor.
Will I lose my hair? If so,what can I do about it?
With NanOlife’s customized cancer treatment there are no incidence of hair fall noticed.
Will the treatment hurt? Will I have any scar?
NanOlife’s customized cancer treatment doesn’t hurts at any stage of treatment, and doesn’t cause any scars.
Will it help in reducing the side effects of chemo?
NanOlife’s customized cancer treatment helps in reducing chemo side effects.
Should I change what I eat or make other life style changes?
Add vegetables and fruits preferably salads with your diet.
Avoid Non-veg, Curd, Oily, deep fried, too much sour & spicy, junk foods, Foods that have sticky nature. -
Will any medication be changed during course of treatment?
Based on the evaluation by our Doctor/Health expert on subsequent visits, further course of medicine will be decided by Doctor/Health expert
What symptoms or side effects should I tell you about right away?
Any discomfort if there, should be immediately brought to the notice of our Doctor/health expert, so that necessary medication if required can be modified or changed.
What to do if I feel overwhelmed, depressed or distressed.
There are often chances of mood swing, it is advised to calm down, listen to some soothing music, do meditation, in severe cases report it to our Doctor/health expert, so that appropriate counselling and medication can be prescribed.
What kind of exercise do I need to do, for what duration & how often?
Prefer doing lighter exercise which doesn’t makes body too tired, for 10.15 minutes, 3-4 days/week
Disclaimer : These FAQ’s are for general awareness of the public only and it cannot be used as a basis for raising
or settling of claim in any circumstances.
Hear It From
The People We Cured
Providing great services to patients is a challenging task in today’s scenario. But I must say that your team is really doing the best. My personal experience, a very good follow up team to see that all our enquiries are taken care of. My best wishes to your team to keep this spirit for serving the patients to the best.
Anuradha Tigadi
We are having a good experience with experts in Nano life. The co-ordination team provided all the needed information, organized appointments with the doctor & are regularly in contact with the Patient. We are based in Gujarat & I am glad that they provided their services & medicines to outstation patients on time. We look forward to continue this journey, benefit from this innovative medicine & share our experience with others.
Anonymous, Prostate Cancer, Age : 66
Vadodara, Gujarat
Hoping for the best results from your medicine. I believe in you and worth of effort and I wish you success to cure all effectively.